Look at the little darling. That was a great day. She had no problems deciding what to wear. Last night, however, was a completely different story. Oh my goodness!!! She is job shadowing for the day and decided to inform me the night before that she had nothing to wear. We were just at Wal-Mart on Sunday discussing wardrobe needs and none were mentioned except the bathing suit for spring break. I know where her priorities were. So, she can't wear denim and she has outgrown all of her skirts. I find a cute pair of gray slacks and SHE doesn't like the way they fit. They have a bump where they fasten. Well now, that is the end of the world. I give up on those and find a pair of black capris. These were too cute. It appears she has grown since she wore them last and they would only work if she didn't want to sit down. Not to mention the fact that they were a little tight in the seat. By now, we have spent 30 minutes in her room looking for something that I could have bought Sunday. Her dad and brother come up to offer their opinions. That was no help. Their suggestion: take her to Wal-Mart before job shadowing and find a pair of tights to wear under one of the skirts. Are you kidding me? What if they don't have the right size or color for Her Royal Majesty! She would be forced to job shadow wearing the wrong color or size. After spending over an hour in her room, I finally locate the perfect skirt that only needed ironed. You would think that I would breath a sigh of relief. Not with this kiddo! She had to find the perfect shirt. The shirt had to fit just right and not have any unsightly bumps anywhere. Oh puleaaaze. Oh, did I mention that she didn't even want to try on the capris because her legs were too pale? Are you kidding me? It is March in Indiana of course your legs are pale. You know what so are a lot of other legs. Besides, no one should be looking that closely at your legs anyway. Now, it's onto the shoes. The dog has eaten most of her shoes. Of course she has because if she hadn't life would be so much easier. That dog loves flip flops. She is especially partial to the ones from Aeropostale. They cost more than Wal-Mart that's why. More searching locates a pair from American Eagle that were too cute. My bad, I liked them and voiced my opinion so Her Royal Majest didn't like them. At this point TOO DARN BAD! They were dirty so she didn't like them. WASH THEM!! She did. Life goes on for her. She was dressed and out the door by 6:45. I can hardly wait for prom. NOT
Daughter looks great astride her horse! She's darling and it's nice to know that she is 'fussy' ... She'll make good choices in life. ;) And such a special home you have ... I kind of like the name of the road too! Sure beats Old Gun Road, the address of one of my sons! :)
ReplyDeleteYou've led me to another discussion. Stay tuned!!